So what's this all about?

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Wrappin' Up..

Over the past couple of months I've been meeting with a great friend and discipler, Kate. She is a missionary from Australia who has shown me so many things. The love of Christ, the love of a family, the welcoming arms of someone who cares... Well this week she had me answer some questions (not all of them are here) to debrief on my time in Bolivia as I prepare to head home. Wow, this was awesome to go through & see my answers intertwine and clarify my own thoughts on paper. Thought I'd share some. Thanks Kate!!!

What is something God has show you about Himself in Bolivia?
The love of Christ? His faithfulness? The mercy of God? His holiness? All things I've learned about since coming here but ultimately... My heavenly Father's desire to BE WITH ME! His passion and jealousy to be my one and only, to be my breath & life, to be everything that holds me together. In spite and BECAUSE of my failures He longs to be in a beautiful, intimate relationship with me. Literally Christ wants me to be in love with Him. And He uses all things to to love on me, make me fall in love with Him, or bring me back into being in love with Him, my first love! Deuteronomy 4:24

How do you not want to be the same as you were before you came to Bolivia?I don't want my love for others to be the same. I want to see EVERYONE (Christians & Non-Christians) like I see people here. With open eyes of love and grace. Not seeing economic status, skin color, clothes types, dirty or clean bodies..Knowing that everyone has a story but that Christ's love trumps ALL.  Unlike before I want stereotypes and reputations to be lost in the love and mercy only God can show.
I want to walk in love! Romans 12:9-10

In what ways could you describe this moment in your life as a gift (about to leave one world but not yet back in the other)?
It's hard to look at such a difficult time as a gift but when put in that light; this time is allowing me to evaluate the things and people of true importance. Whether it's what and who has impacted & changed my life here or whether it's the things I long for, the places I miss, or the arms I want so badly to be in state-side. I don't think I'll ever decide which life or home or experience I love more, impacted me more, or I miss more. But if it were not for this tear in my heart and moment in my life, I may have never recognized the importance and blessing of what God has truly given to me in this life...

What is THE thing God has done in you in your time in Bolivia?
B r o k e n  M e  D o w n   Psalm 51:17

What has been the best thing about your time in Bolivia?
My viewpoint change. Towards the world, the Christians  brothers, the lost, the hurting, the hurters, the mess-ups, the strugglers, US. Oh & the people I've met here :) Ups & downs!

What are you looking forward to the most about being back in the US?
Just simply being with my family. Not so much the culture, my friends, the activities, the food, the country itself... Simply the presence of true, untaintable LOVE of my family.

Monday, June 10, 2013

the bittersweet countdown.

23 days until I'm state side. Holy cow.
So I'm just stopping in to give anyone who still actually reads this update!
My last few weeks here will be filled with the children, the streets of Cochabamba which have become so dear to me, spending as much time with familiar faces, traveling a bit, and just soaking in a place I call home; Bolivia.

The bittersweet countdown has begun. The days I have left and the days until I'm home. I don't think I'll ever be able to put into words this clash of emotions. I guess I'm just going to live one day at a time. Trusting that God knows best, that He brought me here, He's bringing me home, and He will be with me every step of the way. Wherever I go.
Daily trust is now my focus...

Dear Lord,Thank you for bringing me to where I am today. Thank you for the experiences you have put in my life and every little detail that has led me to now. Give me the strength for tomorrow and take the worry from my heart. Teach me to trust in you every second, every step, every day. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Faithfulness towards the Israelites!

So I've been addicted to the Old Testament for a while now. Recently I started taking a class that covers the whole Bible, as ONE book...starting with the Old Testament. The story of the children of Israel will never cease to amaze me. Especially when I realize that it is the perfect example of ME (all of us humans in general).
The story of God's faithfulness and blessings towards continually broken, sinful, and unfaithful people is so beautiful. The story of the Israelites is so emotional; heartbreaking, anger-stiring, encouraging, redeeming.
I have learned so much about myself by studying these people and learned so much about my relationship with Christ. The Savior.

I've learned that God is a jealous God. That He longs to be with the Israelites (Me). Him & them (I). Nothing else. No distractions. Though the Israelites (I) constantly get distracted, turn their backs on God, disregard His warnings & love, and completely mess up God never stops wanting to be intimately with them (Me)!!! How amazing to be so wanted and loved.

I've learned that the Israelites (I) are completely failed people. That is what makes the beauty of their relationship with God shine. God chose them (Me). Yucky, disgusting them (Me).

I've learned that God truly does want the best for the Israelites (Me). He wants to bless them (Me) and bring them (Me) back into a perfect relationship with Him. God is constantly reaching out for them (Me) regardless of their (My) lack of pursuit, their (My) lack of faithfulness HE IS FAITHFUL. His promises of blessing never, never fail.

I've learned that the Israelites (I) were never fulfilled in chasing after other things. The pursuit of false idols, the cry for a King, trust in a human leaders. They are never satisfied and are always left wanting more. As I am. Until they (I) have Jesus, who completes that desire in their (My) heart.

I've learned that two things are consistent in the story of the Israelites (Shelby); They (I) are constantly unfaithful and God is constantly faithful. They (I) are loved by a God and called to serve a God that will never cease to be faithful to them despite their (My) consistency to be unfaithful to Him.

I've learned that only in the Israelites' (My) weakest time can they find legitimate communion with God. Time and time again God must break down His people (Me) in order for them to understand His love towards them (Me). Because they (I) are so human and full of themselves (Myself) their eyes are blinded, distracted, and focused on themselves (Myself). God brings them (Me) to the end of themselves (myself) to show How dependable HE IS!

I challenge everyone to look into the stories of the children of Israel! They put your perspective of God in a whole new light and also your perspective of your walk with Him as well! :).

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What I love about Sundays.

Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.
Galatians 6:9
I have planned to blog this on April 22 but hadn't ever posted it and kept it as a draft. Now the comparison of the same subject over a month's time....

April 22, 2013

It's chilly as the morning breeze whistles by. Yet in her silence you can hear the birds flutter their wings. The city appears clearer than weekdays in the morning sun. Surrounded by few but very faithful brothers. Windows flung wide open. Smoothly His praises ring from that room on the mountain side. I can only imagine the noise echoing through the hills. Broken-hearted prayers follow the remembrance of His sacrifice with wine and bread. Tender hearts reaching out to one another, to one another's familiar hands. 

Every Sunday we gather. We gather at the newly founded church. Not because there is a line of people waiting for us, not because we are seeing new faces we have missed all week, not because of the overflow but because that's where God called us. Called us to be a light. Every Sunday the 4 interns, 2 Bolivian families from the team....and 3 children come. Just 3. They live a block from our building and are always looking their best, with combed hair and their best clothes on Sunday mornings.
That's it. Just us.
Some mornings it gets hard. I long to fellowship with brothers and sisters that I haven't seen all week. To be surrounded by a big body of Christ. But those 3 kids, they keep us there. If God is doing something in the hearts and lives of those 3 little ones through us, that's enough for me. 
So despite the temptation to feel down by the low numbers....The number 3 holds our spirits high.

May 20, 2013

Yesterday we met in the beautiful sanctuary, up at The Center. The crew (13 to be exact) from our team was present as well as the faithful 3. As we sang hymns to prepare ourselves for communion smiles filled our faces as 2 more children walked in. Girls from the 3rd and 4th grade from The Center walked in for their first Sunday, happy as ever to join with us in the church service. Ahhhhh (a sigh of happiness/satisfaction.) Minutes later I turned my head back to see not 1 or 2 more children walking in but A WHOLE FAMILY! Parents and everything!!!! Our main man, Don Mario, who has been helping to build The Center every day since day one brought his wife and 2 daughters to church. As they walked in from the back door of the sanctuary I was covered with goose bumps, overcome by a lump in my throat, and brought to tears.... AHHHHHHHHH.

Please continue to pray for those in the area of the church. Pray that we would see more faces walking in through that door, week after week. But also thank God with me this week for His goodness and faithfulness.

Monday, May 13, 2013

The little faces :)

My role in The Center this year is a little all over the place but I'm really enjoying helping wherever I can. I usually am helping in a 2nd grade class again but also taking time away to prepare the snack, wash dishes, help in the library, and hang out with the homework-free kiddos! Here's the little faces from 2nd grade that I spend ever day with! :)



Twins?!?! Nope, not even sisters :p








A little squirmy so this is the best shot we'll get of this little guy for now!

There you have it :) Please be praying for these faces and hearts. The more connected I get to them, the more I learn of their lives... the more I only hope they are being impacted by the love of Jesus at The Center and heading towards a future of walking with Him! 

Monday, May 6, 2013


Good afternoon, ya'll!

The SUN is shining and the breeze is flowing in through my huge, lovely window. I hear the fruit truck blaring and someone's hands scrubbing clean their laundry outside. I smell my wooden night stand and highlighted Bible as I sit on my bed. I'm a little sleepy but there's just too many thoughts in my head to let me nap.

I'm thinking about this country. About the time passed and the time missing.
I'm thinking of all the joy and opportunities I have found here. The lessons and strengths I've gained. The rough nights and the exciting mornings. The conversations. The walks. The trips to the market. The hugs from such loving little arms. The language learning. The unforgettable people.

I'm thinking about it all. And I'm happy..

"Joy is the settled assurance that God is in control of all the details of my life, the quiet confidence that ultimately everything is going to be alright, and the determined choice to praise God in every situation."

Choose joy & let the sunshine in wherever you find yourself this week! :)

Monday, April 29, 2013

If I don't give You glory..

For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be glory forever. Amen.Romans 11:36

This week I found myself a helper with my work up at The Center. Little Maria offered to sit with me and wash the dishes after 70+ kids devoured the afternoon snack. We looked out over the city and chatted about various things when I expressed how thankful I was for her help today. She simply said "I love helping others!". My first reaction was that this little lady has beautiful heart but then she continued. She told me she just loves finding ways to help others and when she grows up she wants to be a doctor or a teacher so she can help. She told me she thinks doctors have lots of money and then she can give it to all the poor people.

She can do great things, I can do great things, we can all do really great things. But those great things are nothing if the glory isn't going to God. This week a fire sparked in me...I want to reflect my Maker. I want to glorify Him. Because if the glory goes to me, what good does it do? Our lives are fleeting. When we try bringing the glory to ourselves we become ugly, we become prideful and distasteful. We were created to take glory & praise and give it back to whom it belongs. We are made to reflect His love, compassion, sacrifice and goodness. We are made so that He can shine through us and that our fallen human self might fade away in the light of His perfection.

This week I pray for myself and for little Maria.
I pray that I would glorify God in everything I do and always give Him all the praise. 
I pray that Maria would grow up clinging to Christ and long to give Him glory with everything her dreams entail.
I pray we would both be captivated by our Creator.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Nor forsake you.

I'm not going to beat around the bush, lately life has been a struggle. In just about every sense. I feel weighed down and discouraged in so many ways. I don't think there is anyone who knows all the things that are happening with me, that in itself is rough. The feeling of loneliness..

From worrying/repeated trips to the doctor for infected bug bites to not feeling sufficient or successful and everything in between.. my range of struggles hit just about every area. Waking up I feel overwhelmed. Thinking of returning to the States in a little over 2 months fills me half way with extreme excitement and halfway with extreme sadness which causes my mind to boil over all the time. I could go on and on about things that are bothering me or hurting me or frustrating me or ways I'm falling short but what's the good in that?

OKAY, this doesn't continue being depressing!
God is really, really, really teaching me things.
Seems He always does that in our trials!
I find it super easy to say "God is in control" or "He has His plan" or "I just have to trust in Him". But what I'm learning right now is to TRULY trust in him. The Bible says He works all things together for the good of those who trust him. So honestly I am truly trusting...
Trusting that God has put me in every situation for a reason.
Trusting that He makes beauty from my mistakes and my pain.
Trusting that God will heal broken relationships.
Trusting that God has a perfect plan for my life.
Trusting that His love is unending, far beyond my understanding.

"Consider it pure joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have it's perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing." James 1:3-4
Thank you Jesus, for never leaving me alone. Thank for always testing me so that I might lack nothing and become more like you. Thank you for these difficult moments, give me the endurance and trust I long for. Pase lo que pase, I TRUST YOU. 

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you!!!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Standing in front of a room of indigenous men and woman, pouring my heart out in two languages as my words were translated into a third the only word that consumed me was family.

Let me rewind. This weekend my coworker Laura, her husband Sergio, my friend Jorge Luis, and I headed out for Tiraque, Bolivia. Tiraque is a town in the green, luscious hills of Bolivia about 2 hours out of Cochabamba, filled to the brim with peace and quiet. As I walked the streets I wasn't sure if I should feel uncomfortable from the ghost-town-ish feel or calmed by the home-sweet-home atmosphere. Regardless, spending our morning exploring the forests, waterfalls, and pathways in the back grounds of this town was such a breath of fresh air. 
At midday we headed back into the town for the purpose of our little trip, a celebration. Here in Bolivia churches celebrate the church's anniversary EVERY YEAR. How cool, no? They put so much importance into the house & family of God.
We spent the afternoon in a little, white room with people we had just met. I was served plates upon plates of food to the point where I wanted to cry from fullness. We laughed and told stories and truly shared the afternoon together. As a prepared to give my testimony and speak in front of the church I couldn't help but look back on all the churches I have come into contact with here.

My Bolivian Home Church in Cochabamba.
A room full of laughter and love in a church, New Year's Eve in Sucre.
A weekend spent with a youth group and pastor's family in Tarija.
A new church body branching off from The Center in Cochabamba.
And now this...lovely, welcoming people in Tiraque.

Every church body I have come to know here has truly treated me as a part of their family. And they are just that, a family!!! They greet one another "Hermano" or "Hermana" (Brother/Sister) and then proceed to treat them like their very own siblings. The church is not just a place they meet to grow in the Lord but a home to seek God with your family, with your brothers and sisters in Christ.

At the end of the day Sergio preached. Ending his preaching with a prayer, he invited anyone who is seeking God, who wants to be washed in His come forward. As I opened my eyes I saw a beautiful site. 30+ of my brothers and sisters in Christ completely knelt before Him in prayer. With their intricate skirts being dirtied by the floor and their long braids rolling down their backs. In that moment I wanted to hug everyone. I wanted to thank them for their faith, for their welcoming spirits, and for their desire to pursue Christ which has so quickly encouraged me.

I envy the churches here and desire so deeply that churches in the states would embrace this command of brotherly love within the church. I long to see myself being more Bolivian in my behavior towards my hermanos and hermanas in Christ whether here or state-side. So I encourage you, love you brothers in Christ. Truly. Embrace the family of Christ that you have been put into and every person that walks into the house of God. Embrace it! :)

Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter week!

Til on that cross as Jesus died
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live, I live

There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave He rose again

And as He stands in victory
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ

So a little heads-up..Easter is my favorite holiday. It is everything. There is no reason to celebrate Christmas if there was no Easter. There is no reason to be a Christian if there was no Easter. There is no reason to live a joyful life if there was no Easter. There is no life...if there was no Easter.
So knowing that you will understand my disappointment at finding Easter as a very overlooked holiday here. *big sigh of exasperation* I was explained to that the Catholics cling to traditions over Holy Week and it's quite the ordeal for them and occasionally the Sunday sermon is resurrection oriented in evangelical churches. But no one grasps and truly celebrates with gladness the resurrection, beauty, gift, and life that is Easter!

So I tried to meditate on the scriptures of Christ's entry, crucifixion, and resurrection, listen to my favorite hymns, and find little ways of celebrating. Here's a little about my week! :)
Monday I received an Easter package from my family back home. Spent the morning in a park; reading singing, and chowing down on Peeps! :)

Rushing to Spanish lessons after work, this is my dinner on Tuesday/Thursday nights. Lovely fellowship with my Spanish teacher Toni about Spanish, culture, Easter, and life. The little blessings!

Araceli and I at The Center! A little sweetheart in my class this year who hasn't left my side/lap since school started!

Devon!!! Wednesday night Devon came over to cook, catch up, sing some hymns, read the Bible, and do our own version of Easter celebration. Spent some great time opening up & pouring our hearts out on my roof. Later with 3 more Americans! 
Paola and I at The Center this week! 
After an iTeams meeting Friday morning, I spent the day with this family;  preparing and devouring  a huge meal of pumpkin soup, chuño, salsas, trout, potatoes, and milk & rice desert.

 When I got home Friday I found myself without a key & my house empty. What could have been a pain ended up being a blessing! I sat at the neighbor's store for almost 2 hours in which I got to share the gospel (starting with Easter & why I am so happy) with all kinds of neighbors who came in & out & stopped to talk.

Saturday morning we headed off for Chapare! A jungle district 4 or 5 hours out of Cochabamba!

Some nifty swinging/zip-lining contraptions we got to experience in the Yungas!

We saw way too many bananas for my liking this weekend...
I spent the whole weekend in awe, how beautiful!

Roadtrip! haha. Squished between these brothers for hours upon hours sure did make me miss my own, I'll tell you that!
I was a little more excited than everyone else about the monkeys!!! :) Don't see those in Iowa.

Everyone got into the river Saturday after walking around in the jungle! So gorgeous! 

Where I spent my Resurrection Sunday! Swimming in beautiful river water with all kinds of people.

An absolutely lovely week and weekend. Finding joy in just about everything. Celebrating what Christ did that day that gives us true life every day in Him! It's more than traditions!
Happy Easter to everyone!
He is risen, He is risen indeed!

Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Por fin!

Long days, early mornings, late nights.
Quick meals, packed meals, forgotten meals, skipped meals.
Cementing, painting, sanding, scrubbing, sweeping, cleaning, digging.
Smiles, laughter, frowns, tears, sweat.
I'm going to be honest & say that our team is exhausted. It's been crunch time for the last 2 months and crunch time sure has been squeezing everything out of everyone. 

I personally will admit that construction has been a difficult subject for me. I'm more than willing to work and happy to be useful but before coming to Bolivia I wasn't aware of how much construction work I would be doing. I definitely did not expect this. I didn't expect to spend 4 of my 11 months doing only construction as well as construction on top of the children's ministry in the other 7 months. But I cannot begin to tell you what a HUGE heart change God has done in me through this. He has changed my mindset, my attitude, my willingness in so many ways. So when I feel like complaining and getting frustrated I can't help but be thankful that He is working so much in me through this. Oh & I just look out at my view and remember how blessed I am....
 "Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary!" Galatians 6:9
Baptismal under the stage! Nifty, huh?
^ The Sala Grande before.
^ The Sala Grande after.
Before, dirt floors/no patio.
After, cement floors/huge patio.
 This weekend all the work paid off. We finally kicked off the ministry with the dedication/inauguration of the new building. We invited the families to come see the new center building as we held a worship service, short teaching, snacks, introduction of the team & ministries (New church, Center for the children, Women's ministry), and sign-up for the Center's after school program.

 All the women of the team baked cakes/ bars/ brownies for a snack after the service!

 All set up, decorated, and ready!
 Our first time of worship in the church!

We had a PowerPoint of the building process since before they broke ground until now!
 Announcements (later translated into Quechua because many of the families mainly speak Quechua instead of Spanish)
 The introduction of the entire team!
 "Permit the children to come to me and do not hinder them." Mark 10:14
 Fellowship after the inauguration as parents enrolled their kids for the center. So nice to have so much support from our old church body, from different church bodies, and even from visitors from the US.

Seeing all the people we are ready to work with was such an exciting site. It put all the work into perspective and it took us out of the spotlight. The perfect plan God has for this ministry and this community of people continues to spur us on, all in our own different ways. Lord have Your way in us & in this ministry. 
After a busy, hectic, crazy weekend on top of the months of time and work put into this project we all took a deep breath. We still have quite a bit of work to do in the classrooms and the yard but God has been with this project from the beginning, was with it this weekend, and will see us through until the end. Such a settling thought. 

"The heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands!"
Psalm 19:1