So what's this all about?

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Wrappin' Up..

Over the past couple of months I've been meeting with a great friend and discipler, Kate. She is a missionary from Australia who has shown me so many things. The love of Christ, the love of a family, the welcoming arms of someone who cares... Well this week she had me answer some questions (not all of them are here) to debrief on my time in Bolivia as I prepare to head home. Wow, this was awesome to go through & see my answers intertwine and clarify my own thoughts on paper. Thought I'd share some. Thanks Kate!!!

What is something God has show you about Himself in Bolivia?
The love of Christ? His faithfulness? The mercy of God? His holiness? All things I've learned about since coming here but ultimately... My heavenly Father's desire to BE WITH ME! His passion and jealousy to be my one and only, to be my breath & life, to be everything that holds me together. In spite and BECAUSE of my failures He longs to be in a beautiful, intimate relationship with me. Literally Christ wants me to be in love with Him. And He uses all things to to love on me, make me fall in love with Him, or bring me back into being in love with Him, my first love! Deuteronomy 4:24

How do you not want to be the same as you were before you came to Bolivia?I don't want my love for others to be the same. I want to see EVERYONE (Christians & Non-Christians) like I see people here. With open eyes of love and grace. Not seeing economic status, skin color, clothes types, dirty or clean bodies..Knowing that everyone has a story but that Christ's love trumps ALL.  Unlike before I want stereotypes and reputations to be lost in the love and mercy only God can show.
I want to walk in love! Romans 12:9-10

In what ways could you describe this moment in your life as a gift (about to leave one world but not yet back in the other)?
It's hard to look at such a difficult time as a gift but when put in that light; this time is allowing me to evaluate the things and people of true importance. Whether it's what and who has impacted & changed my life here or whether it's the things I long for, the places I miss, or the arms I want so badly to be in state-side. I don't think I'll ever decide which life or home or experience I love more, impacted me more, or I miss more. But if it were not for this tear in my heart and moment in my life, I may have never recognized the importance and blessing of what God has truly given to me in this life...

What is THE thing God has done in you in your time in Bolivia?
B r o k e n  M e  D o w n   Psalm 51:17

What has been the best thing about your time in Bolivia?
My viewpoint change. Towards the world, the Christians  brothers, the lost, the hurting, the hurters, the mess-ups, the strugglers, US. Oh & the people I've met here :) Ups & downs!

What are you looking forward to the most about being back in the US?
Just simply being with my family. Not so much the culture, my friends, the activities, the food, the country itself... Simply the presence of true, untaintable LOVE of my family.

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