So what's this all about?

Monday, October 8, 2012

Becoming Bolivian!

It's strange how accustom I have gotten to this culture already. I'm starting to have really shocking moments where I realize the things in which I have become completely Bolivian....
  • When I got here, seeing a pact of stray dogs walking down the street was a little surprising and somewhat scary.
    Now, I love when random dogs come up to me wanting to be petted as I go for a walk.
  • When I got here, I only used a knife at mealtime if we were eating steak or pork chops.
    Now, I cannot eat without a knife. Anything, anywhere I need a knife. No buts about it.
  • When I got here, all the honking of horns startled and alarmed me.
    Now, quite, peaceful Iowa won't know what hit it when I come back: Honk Happy
  • When I got here, someone kissing me on the cheek as a greeting definitely took me back. My thoughts, Can you say awkward?Now,it doesn't feel right if I don't go around kissing everyone in the room when I enter!
  • When I got here, I heard a fruit truck blaring in the streets- I closed the window.
    Now, I hear the fruit truck, I smile to myself, and I check to see if we need any fruit.
  • When I got here, my heart jumped for joy every time someone talked to me in English.
    Now, I just respond and usually don't remember what language I am responding to and what language I am responding in. I think in Spanish most of the time, so I assume that's usually it.
  • When I got here, I didn't mix any of the dishes on my plate. Salad in one corner, meat in the other, rice in the other.
    Now, as soon as I'm served I mix everything together on my plate into one big pile. Everything, no matter what we're eating.
  • When I got here, riding with 14 other people in a Trufi was my maximum uncomfortableness.
    Now, I love being packed into a van, all close and friendly with random strangers.
Even my family here has started to realize me switching in the littlest things to become more Bolivian. Food that I didn't care for much when I got here I love because my taste buds have changed. Things like rice/noodles, a spicy salsa we put on absolutely every meal, and bread I can't imagine going a day without. (By the way, the bread here is to die for!)
Some other random changes;
I am used to the schedule of an efficient Bolivian life, not a hectic American life now.
I don't need to be reminded to hand wash my underwear anymore.
I rarely have the urge to be barefoot inside anymore (You wear shoes at all times in this culture).
I throw my toilet paper in the trash instead of the toilet without a second thought now.
My lungs still aren't accustom to the altitude but my legs are so much stronger from walking everywhere in the hilly/mountainous country.

Hopefully this didn't bore anyone but it really is an update on me and how things are going down south as I become Bolivia!

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