So what's this all about?

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Start Of Something New.

Last weekend our church here in Cochabamba prayed over us and saw us all off. Why you might ask?
On Sunday, the 17th the center team is starting a new church! Up in the community of the center kids there is no christian churches, no one reaching out to those people. Our team feels very strongly that God is calling us to be His light to those people. Starting from scratch and looking at all the many responsibilities that need filled, it seems a tad overwhelming. We have all been in constant prayer about what God wants to do through each and every one of us. For me, I didn't feel God asking me to switch churches for some time. I liked the church body I had just gotten plugged into, I was growing there, and I didn't feel the call to go up to "Taquiña" (The name of the community). But one day I woke up and felt such a strong burden to reach out to the mothers, the fathers, the teens, the families. Since that morning I've been praying for this new start and this new endeavour. I really would love it if you would join us in prayer for this new church as well...

Pray for patience and peace in all our team starting the church (10 people in total).
Pray for the lives of the families, that they would be open and able to come.
Pray that the word would be preached and hearts would be opened!
Pray that God's will be completed through and in every person involved in this new church.

This week is crunch time as we work on finishing touches to a sanctuary and keep working on all the classrooms at the construction site. We hope to utilize this physical structure in showing the refuge of God's love and redemption. At times it's easy to get wrapped up in the eagerness to finish the construction in time, the plans that have to be made and completed, and the work we have to get done. I only hope to remember every day that this is an opportunity given by God and completed through Him. He is our cornerstone.

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