So what's this all about?

Monday, January 28, 2013

I call her friend.

Katie is overflowing with kindness and love.
I "met" Katie via email, months before my journey, as she walked me through processes of getting to Bolivia. Since I arrived she has been by my side helping me with any questions I have, supporting me through trials she too went through, and just being a great friend.

Katie has lived in Bolivia since 2008 through a couple stories in which God continued to call her back to Cochabamba to serve. Her hard work and positive attitude shows through as she teaches a 2nd grade classroom at The Center (in which I worked when I arrived in August), organizes more ways to bring support for the children, continually works at the construction site, disciples others, serves in her church in many ways, and dedicates her life to others.

When she is with the children it is easy to see her passion. Her already happy, joyful face fills with a beaming smile. She pours everything she has into their homework, into Bible time, into praise & worship, and simply into showing them love. It's terribly common to hear a squealed "PROFEEEEEE" whenever you are near her.
Currently Katie is working on a new portion to The Center that gets others more spiritually & emotionally involved. She hopes to find prayer partners for every child in our program. Someone who is investing time in their lives to pray over them, learn more about them & their situations, sending them letters, and possibly even something as big as a Christmas present.
((More news on this to come!))

I can't count the conversations we've had full of laughter and support. She does a far better job with the support, always there to listen. Whether it's a conversation about something strong on our hearts, translation of Spanish phrases, how our weekend went, or simply rambling to pass time at construction we always end up laughing and joking by the end.

We sing. We laugh. We tell stories. We reminisce about our homes over yonder in the USA. We quote our favorite movies. We share scripture we've been reading. We try not to hit each other with our shovels while digging holes. We encourage each other keep going...
 We don't seeing each other much outside of work but in the list above, we have created a beautiful friendship.

Katie has become such an inspiration and role model for me. In the 5 months that I've known her she has displayed an incredible amount of attributes that I strive for in my life. Her love for God and love for her work here has run over into my life more than she will ever know.
They call her Profe, I call her friend.

"Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and sacrifice to God.."
-Ephesians 5:1-2

Monday, January 21, 2013

Teach me to eat.

I've had a long break from The Center and the kids, giving me lots of time to think and filling me with all kinds of emotions, including;
Missing the kids, missing home, being so content with my Cochabamba life, feeling a little worthless therefore looking for more ministry opportunities, joy of meeting new friends, stressed about planning my near future, loving where God has put me right now, frustrated with the language, and still culturally confused at times.
Yes, a mix of MANY emotions.

In the midst of these feelings and desire to serve more I was introduced this week to The Nutrition Center. Way across the city from my zone is a center for malnourished children. I went twice this week to visit them; feed them, play with them, and just show then some love. They live there, someone of them visited by parents, some of them not. Some have more serious problems than others but all of them with significant sickness in some way.
Though being cared for, many are still physically in terrible condition. Hot and sweaty, many are running fevers and underweight, some don't even know how to eat. Too young to talk I was only able to react to their emotions. Which got me thinking... One second they are smiling, giggling, and happy but before you know it they are crying and giving me looks of discomfort. The babies I fed were usually refusing the food I was spoon feeding them. Either because they didn't know how to eat or they didn't realize this gooey thing we call "baby food" would soon bring them back to health. I suddenly realized how alike I am to the children...

I get frustrated and I get really, really happy. I laugh, throwing my head back and letting my cheeks turn bright red but later on I put my head in my hands in frustration, rubbing my eyes. I'm just like them...
God is feeding me.
He is giving me exactly what I need to be strengthened in my future. Every thing that comes into my life is sent from God for my benefit; blessings, trials, people, places, lessons. I'm constantly being given "food" for my spiritual and emotional advantage.

"Whoever humbles himself as a child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."
Matthew 18:4

I am the baby that doesn't know how to eat. I'm too caught up in my own mind and way of functioning to take a break and just ask God to show me.
Teach me to eat, Lord.
I am the baby that is refusing her one shot at health. I'm trying to find my own ways of strengthening myself which are nothing compared to His encouragement, trials, love, and patience.
Teach me to eat, Lord.
I am the baby that doesn't realize the food being given her. I'm too human, too set in my ways, too self-consumed to see what God is handing me.
Teach me to eat Your food, Lord.

"Do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you surely I will help you. I will uphold you with My righteous, right hand."
Isaiah 41:10

Sorry if I went over-board with the food analogy. Made sense to me, hope it does to you too!
Oh & this is just a random picture of me & some of the new Bolivian food I'm trying.


Monday, January 14, 2013

How Great.

This week two friends and I took a hike up to the mountains in Cochabamba. What we planned on being a nearly 3 day trip ended up being a full day of climbing, a bonfire, camping, and a quick walk down the next morning. Someone had the clever idea to make this little trip amidst the rainy season...Yeah, it was my idea. We found ourselves soaked and freezing all night which had the potential to put a bad taste in our mouth for the whole experience. But the view from our campsite and the amazing walk up will forever stay in my mind. I couldn't help but smile as I wheezed my way up every step that lifted the altitude. I couldn't help but be content as the rain made me shiver and my legs trembled. I was looking at so many amazing things. From the view, to the woods, to the plants, I was overwhelmed. The more I see of this earth the more in awe I am of God. Not only that He created this, He controls this, and He cares for this but that He would take the time to care for me as well. Little ole me. When I see a sliver of the beauty which is His earth I become more and more in love with in and in absolute awe of His glory.


The crew; Walking down, cold and soaked as it continued to rain the morning after a chilly camping night.

This song is a small attempt at trying to express this feeling of awe. And what a great feeling it is. Wow. Oh & it's just as good in Spanish! Now that I know both versions I think I may even like the Spanish one more so give them both a listen! :)

Monday, January 7, 2013

Going through changes.

Journal Entry- Saturday December 16th, 2012

"I've been a tad behind on entries. I'm not writing this to catch up but instead to talk about some of the changes I've been going through. Being away from the kids, on break, and working so much construction is putting things into perspective for me. Just how vain EVERYTHING is. And with that I am feeling like such a hypocrite. There are so many things that I am in love with here and I am SO content with where God put me but I also really miss home, family, friends, and memories. But I don't miss my life before.
God has been showing me how fleeting everything is. Any kind of love or attachment that I have that isn't based on loving God, loving His people, or living an abundantly joyful life of service to bring Him glory is vain. I want to serve God here, there, anywhere. But I want to be sold out and always tell Him "Yes, Lord. Here am I; Send me!"
My entire time in Bolivia the Psalms repetition of us calling out to Christ and Him answering us has stuck out to me. I kept thinking He has put that on my heart for desperately homesick times or scary culturally confusing moments. But lately I've started to be able to see...
My call to the Lord is a call for change. I'm calling out;

I am the clay, you are the potter! Mold me!
Change my heart and make it more like You!
Rescue me from myself, my past, my sin!
Have mercy because You are gracious.
Because You see me as precious in Your sight.
Remove my own plans and desires.
Let my deepest satisfaction come from the fulfillment of Your plans for me.
Renew in me a clean heart and right spirit.
Use me, my Redeemer.
That you would shine.
Change me.
Use me.
Here am I Lord; Send me.